Happy Father's Day

To my very supportive Dad, Jerry and To my ever loving Husband, Jerny..
The two guys in my life, Happy father's day!!!

To my Dad:
Thanks for being the best father to me, you contradict the saying "nobody's perfect" coz u've always been the perfect father every daughter would be proud of.. not only your a good dad, but your also a loving husband to mom, thanks for loving us..

To My Husband:
Thanks for loving me & cady, i know ur a newbie on being a father, but i've always believe that u'll do great.. not only you are being a father to cady, but also to me.. i know im stubborn most of the times, much compared to cady.. so i thank u for your patience, understanding, and for the tireless love u've given us.. im just here, together we'll work it out!


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